Posted Monday, Dec 30th 2014 @ 23:22

[Benjamin, aged 7 and 3/4, is at his desk with an old tome nearby. He is writing in his journal. His room is bright and friendly. Somewhere, there are dinosaur toys.]

Day One.

Dear Diary,
Turns out, black magic is real! This is great news because the world has been practically BEGGING me to take over for like six years and now I FINALLY have the tools and acumen I need to complete this rough-and-tumble task. Tonight, I bathe; perhaps for the last time. I should say goodbye to Ducky.

Benjamin Brown

Day Two.

Dear Diary,
Not much progress today. I learned a spell that duplicates small quantities of food. But I am patient. Today, food. Tomorrow, the world.

Benjamin Brown

PS: There IS such a thing as too many cookies before dinner, so I guess Science wins that one.

Day Forty Seven.

Dear Diary,
It has come to my attention that I need a sidekick to assist in these endeavors. I found a spell that will help me cook one up in the cauldron I found in Mrs. Beasley's back yard. I have also acquired the necessary lock of fur from the meanest dog in the neighborhood: Old Mr. Cooper's German Shepard, "Bastion." At least, I'm 99% sure it's Bastion's fur and not Ralphie's. Mr. Cooper also keeps a Pomeranian. Hm. Smells like he's almost ready. I think I'll call my creation "The Leviathan."

Benjamin Brown