Posted Saturday, Apr 20th 2013 @ 19:16

So here it is, like the title says, a rundown of the introduction into our new little world. No visuals yet, but hopefully you'll get a feel for things, the world, the setting, impending conflicts and such.

We open on a farm nestled in rolling hills of grassland plains. There is a young preteen girl in a dress and apron sitting and milking a goat inside it's pen, stopping to pet and calm it. There are few structures, and is what one would expect from a farm on the edge of town. A boy just a few years younger runs from over a hill and down to the end of the pen, yelling the girls name.

"Adelina! Adelina! Come look what Lino can do!"

The girl lets go of the goat and stands to face him, wiping her hands on her apron..

"Nando. You are supposed to be watching the sheep."

"I was, but I swear, Lino is watching them. Come see!"

Nando beckons her and runs back up the hill as she exits the gate to the goat pen and begrudgingly follows him up the hill. Nando gets to the top and freezes, and Adelina soon joins him.

At the top of the hill we reveal the valley and surrounding hills to be filled with soldiers, their uniforms dark leather with shiny metal armor adorning key places, allowing for movement and protection. They are herding the sheep into the mass of swords and faces, intending to take them as their dinner. Adelina pulls Nando back behind her as she turns and pushes him back toward the farm.

"Those aren't friendly men Nando. Go and get Maximo's saddle. We need to ride and tell Papa right now."


So there it is. The very first snip of story to introduce us to the world. Not very much, I admit, but enough to see how important having an clear idea of the universe the story inhabits is. A clear idea of the story universe also requires consistency. I have (hopefully) already established a world in the past. Armies are on foot, children work a farm alone, the fastest way to travel is to ride (Could be any animal, and as we're trying to create our own world, a horse would be boring). When the world is clear to the writer, every paragraph and illustration should conform to the norms of that world.

Let us see if next time there can be visual sketches.